Sometimes a person comes along that you meet that changes the way you think about the situations in life you take for granted.

For the IS Robinson team, that person is Joey, who joined us about 3 months ago and has been chipping away at some big goals.

Hear straight from Joey about his Inner Strength Experience here

Once feeling very “stuck” in his health and Fitness, Joey has done this one thing incredibly well to get unstuck.

He’s continued to be his positive self, not letting any sways of the days get to him, which has contributed to him being so successful.

It may not seem like a whole heck of a lot, but continuing to play to your specific strengths is one of the 5 Key Phrases to Getting unstuck.

Here’s the rest.

Do more of……

Do less of ….. 




When you feel stuck in your health and fitness, it’s usually caused by doing more of the stuff we know we need to do less of or stop.

Maybe you know you should eat less sweets, but can’t seem to listen to your great advice.

Put it in the “Unstuck” Formula

Do more of … Eat more plants

Do less of… Eating sweets

Continue….thinking positively about any progress

Start….Lifting weights

Stop…. Making excuses for eating sweets.

This simple formula is a super simple way to start getting unstuck.

If you’re looking to 2023 to get in the best shape of your life join us in our Healthy New Me 2023 Challenge

Healthy New Me has 2 Options

Option one is for people with 10-50lbs to lose

This is a 6 Week Program where we set goals with you and design the plan to success by focusing on Personalized Fitness, Nutrition Habits, Pain Management and creating a healthy lifestyle that meets your goals.

Option 2 is for people with 51-100+ lbs to lose.

This is a year-long option and only for people ready and dedicated to make the most impactful health improvement they’ve ever experienced in their time on earth.

It’s designed to instill consistency, accountability in your fitness, nutrition and mindset into your life so you can shed the pounds, get out of pain, energized and get back to living a life without physical restriction.

We’re going to spend a year diving in and unwinding the unhealthy habits that got you to where you are today, and with the kind and gentle hand of our trusted Inner Strength coaches, lead you to a happy, energized and active life without the pain, weight & energy shackles currently holding you back.